FoRK Archive by subject
Starting: Wed 02 Jul 1997 - 20:35:28 EDT
Ending: Sat 09 Aug 1997 - 17:26:01 EDT
Messages: 633
- 'High blood pressure is making their brains smaller'
- 97%ers risk assessment
- A fancy way to say "I told you so!" :)
- A Market Oblivious to Gravity.
- a salute to stability
- A somewhat questionable or at least inefficient (from a number-of
- Absurdly positive economic news in WSJ
- ACLU, CDA, etc.
- Adam -> NYC.
- Algonquin bears
- All Good FoRKposters go to heaven.
- Alphas
- American Express, Visa Lawsuits Settled Over `Platinum Card'
- Americas Great Smokeout
- Apple bored...
- Apple is Elvis
- Apple Switches Rhapsody Kernel
- Apple user ideas
- Applequake
- Are you a snob?
- Around-the-world fares
- At The Censorware Summit [Declan]
- AT&T to charge per-lookup for 800-directory
- attention deficit economy
- Babble On (jungian buzzwords and the net)
- Bad day for the Net
- Be on Intel
- ben on pics
- beware the tablesoon
- Boners of Contention
- BONG Bull No. 434! (fwd)
- Bottom 95%
- Brother Bill on MS/NeXT-Apple
- burning man goes commercial
- Bye Bye apple pie, drove the chevy in the levy..
- Call me crazy, but I'm actually starting to like Spunkando.
- Call me Yoda
- Calling Dr. Ernie
- Calling Rohit!
- Chairman Bill speaks
- Characteristics of a Successor to DNS.
- China's trade _defecit_
- Choosing a domain name
- Clinton blows it on undergraduate tuition tax cut
- Clinton Calls A Summit on Internet Smut (washpost)
- Clinton Comments on the 'E-Chip'
- Clueon Leakage
- CMU Monarch Project
- CNN blunder
- CNN Report on Clinton Smut Summit
- Coloring problem, again
- Concorde Discounts?
- cool gear
- Crack-a-Mac Server Meltdown
- Cringely on Apple's incomprehensible Rhaspsody strategy
- Cringely oversimpilfies flow control
- Cyberlaw says RSA patent is shaky -Reply (fwd)
- DC's Mayor Barry To Become MS PR Head
- Death and Lie All Glisten With The Energy
- Decstation 5000/260 anyone?
- Diver Down
- Dr. Gil Gets the Boot -- Better Late Than Never
- Dyson does Munchkins
- Dyson's Release1.0 on 'attention economy' of IPR
- Ease Up on the Evil Empire
- Ego-surfing by proxy (TBTF in NW)
- Eurotrash
- Evan I. Schwartz thinks I'm in the 3%. Or is it 97%?
- Exemptions
- Experience
- Experiment [ was: FW: FW: FWD: Totem pole thing ]
- Fantasies about Avital Ronell
- Fascinating Stephenson piece on Undersea Fiber
- FBI to "Deputize" companies
- FC: IEEE-USA & USACM letter on McCain-Kerrey bill
- FC: Justice Department starts Network Solns antitrust probe
- FDR and wonderbread
- Fetish victim or fleshy fascist?
- FF Elite Programs in the July InsideFlyer
- First Post...
- First Post...)
- First Post...)]
- Flamewa
- Flamewar (...))
- For Joe
- For Traffic Geeks Only
- For your ex-prison wife
- Forbes on the Gandhi/Bofors scandal
- Forget Drudge
- FoRK Motto/Anti-Motto (take your pick)
- FoRK Theme
- FoRKs are better than knives
- FOuR Koans (or, "What are the rules of FoRK?")
- Free Software is the secret weapon behind Internet Standards
- From MSNB--Jobs in the spotlight
- from the creators of the Top 5
- From Thursdays News
- Fucking Clueless Political Analogies [ RE: From MSNB--Jobs in the
- Fucking Clueless Political Analogies [ RE: From MSNB--Jobs in the spotlight ]
- Fucking Clueless Political Analogies [ RE: From MSNB--Jobs in the spotlight ]
- FW: Amelio resigned
- FW: Amelio resigned - details
- Fw: Anyone know United's "Sara Fields"?
- FW: FYA - just in from the internet: new benchmark activity
- FW: Hell- endothermic or exothermic.
- FW: Industry: (WSJ) An Auction of Chip Patents May Ignite Bidding
- FW: Ordering problem
- FW: subscription request
- FW: Tax bill may slash graduate stipends
- FW: The grads are saved
- FYI: NSA Requests Source Code From Elvis+
- German Internet Law
- Get FoRKed with Joe and Ernie
- get hip
- Gif Pronunciation
- Gigabit National Data Grid
- Goldwyn on Work
- Gotta love those Swedes
- Governments Open Bonn Internet Conference
- Gray Lady on Apple/MS
- Great new news service
- Greetings all around
- Hancock on Apple.
- Has Anyone used this yet?
- Help Save Microsoft with Windows!!!
- Here's one for Dr. Ernie
- Hey Joe...
- Hotel Consolidator # / FF Satisfaction
- HotWired on XML (WebMonkey)
- House Consdiers bill to make copying software a felony
- How Airline Comissions are calculated, irrationalities thereof
- HP's DCOM proposal is a Trojan horse
- Human greed causes Internet traffic jams
- humanoid robot
- I didn't really send this
- I Love ISO (Fibre Channel)
- I'm GETTING A NEW 8600/300 MHZ PPC!
- Ice breaker rant, fun at parties.
- IE4 doesn't support ISINDEX??!
- Immersed in Varanasi [Salon Wanderlust]
- in search of the perfect FoRK joke
- Inflight Dalai Lama Joke
- Infoecon: fwd:AI-Seminar:Buying, Renting and Selling Information Goods
- information about beer robot in japan
- Ink Magazine
- Innergy's Intranet Design 'zine boosts HTML4.0
- Intel+C&T; National Semi+Cyrix
- Intel, how do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways...
- Interconnectedness of all things, redux.
- International Nintendo Strike Force
- Internet Museum of Pornography
- Interview with author of "Infinite Jest"
- Iomega to Sue Syquest
- Israel turning into high-tech power
- It's all in a name...
- It's too late
- Jason Bluming's latest reproduction...
- Jender Goke (sans Gif)
- JFC; Microsoft declares war
- Jobs and gates sitting in a tree B U N D L I N G
- Jobs Juices Up Apple With Surprise Gates Deal
- Joe Barrera--the Man the myth the Web Search
- John Walker [Autodesk] on the phone system
- John Walter leaves AT&T...
- Just 13 miles and 300 years from Buxton
- Kiss & Make up
- Kleenex with Menthol
- Kleenex with Menthol (fwd)
- Know any game programmers that want to live in Argentina?
- KUCI Top 30 8/4/97
- KUCI Top 30, 7/14/97
- KUCI's charting of _Pardon My French_
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Kurt Vonnegut (a hoax?)
- La-la land on drugs
- LAPD Scanner Codes
- LAST CALL, "HTTP State Management Mechanism (Rev1) " to Proposed Standard
- Legislative Alert: Tauzin Drops a Bomb Shell (HR 2369) (fwd)
- Letter from Dr. Gil
- MacWorld Audio - live tomorrow morning
- Magazines, especially lifestyle magazines, are bullsh.
- Make poetry, not flames, in the OS Wars
- Mandrake, do you know why i only drink pure rain water?
- Many Chinese Prefer Their Wine Sparkling With a Bouquet of Coke
- Maritz shoves it cleanly... [MSJava]
- MCI Nettest
- Mexico's top drug lord dead
- Microsoft employee produces product infected by virus
- Microsoft Internet Investments.
- Microsoft to invest in Apple
- Missy 4 PPC
- Missysoft Domains
- More Apple Bits
- More Monopolistic trends to throw lawsuits at
- More net.fame for Rohit
- More Objectology
- More on Ping Flood attacks (today's tasty bit)
- More on the gender bender
- Motley Fool
- Ms harrassment
- MS pleads teens
- MS's Internet strategy cooling?
- muahahaha!
- Munchkins and IMPs, oh my! [Metcalfe]
- my .$02 worth
- My view of the Apple announcements
- Name that quote
- Names = Social Trust Decisions
- NASA And FTC Protest Look-Alike Domain Name
- National Institute for Information Destruction
- Neanderthals [RE: Stop the FoRKin' Insanity!]
- Need a wife.
- Need To Know [Spice Girls]
- Nelson and Engelbart
- Netscape Gets Breakup Fever
- New Apple CEO?
- new news from apple
- New office terminology
- NeXT Voyage (Philippe Saisse)
- Nightmare on Voidstreet
- no enlightenment (WAS: cool gear)
- No fat, but a tummy ache
- Not just the Pentium?
- NSA leak (fwd)
- NT is not Secure According to M$
- NW on W3C's P3
- NYT: Honolulu update
- O'Reilly Beastly Fixations [WSJ]
- Obesity gene patented in US
- Of mice and .ml
- Office99 < Office97 ?!
- Ok, I'm hooked.
- Old humour bits
- Operation Condor
- Other meanings of PEP [ was: RE: PEP for the Home ]
- Our Wayne?
- ownership of communications
- Oxford Illuminatica
- Oxygen and FLAG
- Pathetic simply pathetic
- Pathetic simply pathetic (fwd)
- PC Card Computers w/Displays
- penis shrinking
- PEP for the Home
- Phone call billing
- Pint Composition Notation
- Press Q&A on E-Chip
- psychoboy flaps his lips anew (fwd)
- Queeny on EFFnet
- Questions about life on Mars (fwd)
- RCFoC on a recent BusinessWeek futures issues
- RE: a salute to stability
- RE: Algonquin bears
- RE: All Good FoRKposters go to heaven.
- RE: Apple user ideas
- RE: Apple: (WSJ) Jobs Juices Up Apple With Surprise Gates Deal
- RE: Be on Intel
- RE: Clinton blows it on undergraduate tuition tax cut
- RE: Clueon Leakage
- RE: CNN Report on Clinton Smut Summit
- RE: cool gear
- RE: FoRK mentioned on VAL
- RE: FoRK Theme
- RE: FW: Amelio resigned
- RE: Jender Goke (sans Gif)
- RE: Jobs Juices Up Apple With Surprise Gates Deal
- RE: Kiss & Make up
- RE: Kleenex with Menthol
- RE: Kleenex with Menthol (fwd)
- RE: La-la land on drugs
- RE: Make poetry, not flames, in the OS Wars
- RE: Microsoft employee produces product infected by virus
- RE: Motley Fool
- RE: MS's Internet strategy cooling?
- RE: my .$02 worth
- RE: Name that quote
- RE: Need a wife.
- RE: New Apple CEO?
- RE: NT is not Secure According to M$
- RE: Office99 < Office97 ?!
- RE: Old humour bits
- RE: Oxford Illuminatica
- RE: request to join FoRK
- RE: Sniffing out bullshit in dress codes
- RE: Song snipette
- RE: Stop the FoRKin' Insanity!
- RE: The value of posting to FoRK
- RE: Trellix
- RE: TV Ratings to be modified
- RE: two more for the road
- RE: Unix as an NT application
- RE: Vonnegut's comments to the class of 1997.
- RE: W95
- RE: Weird email day
- RE: You learn something wrong everyday (TM)
- RE: Your Dellware Online Order
- request to join FoRK
- Resnick -Anticipatory EgoSurfing - Resnick
- RSACi endorsed in letter in Wash Post
- S m E g . C o M
- Salton Sea
- Search Engine
- Search engine for FoRK
- Secure electronic commerce takes major step forward
- Sell MSFT now... (I think we're in trouble)
- Senate pulls plug on computer games
- Sex-O-Rama
- Sheesh, corporate ego-surfing robots
- signatures
- Simpsons move in next door...
- Simson on hypermail'd 'private' communities
- Small error in your article
- Sniffing out bullshit in dress codes
- Sniffing out insider trading in email [nyt]
- Sniffing out insider trading in email [nyt] [long]
- So Dr. Ernie...
- Sondius-XG ?
- Song snipette
- Space born panic
- Spam-Its not just for breakfast anymore.
- speech-recognition software demo
- Spunky Bits Revistited
- StarDates [ was: FW: Here's another one for timekeepers ]
- Stats [plastic of two kinds]
- Steve apologized to Bill...
- Steve as boss.
- Stop the FoRKin' Insanity!
- Stories of the 97%
- STUDLINK: Newest & Highest Paying Gay Click Program (fwd)
- subscribe?
- Supreme Court dicta on safe combinations
- TBTF for 7/14/97: Cold, dead fingers
- TBTF for 7/21/97: Tune's my own invention
- TBTF for 7/28/97: Disturbing Napier's bones
- TBTF for 7/7/97: Second thoughts
- TBTF for 8/4/97: A morbid taste for fiber
- Tech Money Makers Alert(fwd)
- tech support
- TelePan anyone? (Pandesic)
- The Apple-NeXT-DEC Connection?
- the artist in all of us
- the dumbing down continues....
- The End is Nigh [comics in the NYT!]
- The Last Temptation of Jobs
- The line between Web edits and Web ads [ASME guidlines]
- the mechanical engineer, the middle manager and the programmer
- The problem I see with CORBA vendors
- The Protege [Xionics]
- The reason we are all here
- The value of posting to FoRK
- Thought for the day..
- thoughts for FoRK SF
- Three or Four's the Charm?
- Tibco chair on event-driven technology.
- Today's Papers - August 7, 1997
- Toll free
- Top NT Lies
- Transferring Defense Technology to Law Enforcement
- Trellix
- Troublemaking Entrepreneurs (quote)
- TV Ratings to be modified
- two more for the road
- UA RTW Auction Update
- Unhappy flier
- United flights on the ground
- Unix as an NT application
- URL search
- Use the source Luke!
- Val post on Jobs and Gates and how Jobs cornered gates
- Venezuelan beauty queens reach out in cyberspace
- Vonnegut's comments to the class of 1997.
- Voyager, after all these years
- W95
- W95)
- Warp drive fiction
- Webiffic Magic trick
- Weekender Transcon fares are back!
- Weird email day
- what to bid?
- What's French for "buggy?"
- Whats the frequency Mao
- When all else fails, turn to porn
- Who *IS* this Robert Hettinga fella anyway?
- Why First Class isn't what it used to be [service]
- Why would anyone want to buy chocolate *seeds*?
- wonder bread
- Workers Phear Addiction
- WSJ trounces the NYT?
- X Marks the Spot.
- XML and Microsoft
- XML article [Macweek]
- XML's Purpose (as I see it)
- You learn something wrong everyday (TM)
- Your Dellware Online Order
- ZD on Apple
- ZDnet Poll, Should Microsoft be broken up into Baby Bills?
- Zyvex, Nanotechnology
Last message date: Sat 09 Aug 1997 - 17:26:01 EDT
Archived on: Sat Aug 09 1997 - 17:26:47 EDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.