I am familiar with you from the Dist-Obj mailing list of which I am a member.
Basically I wish to join FoRK.
I am a first year PhD student in the University of Coleraine, N. Ireland. I am
researching the area of heterogeneous real-time interoperability. I consume
things concerning distributed objects, WWW and Java for my research. I still am
looking for a thesis topic. Please amaze me and respond with one!
In my personal life, I am a believer in Jesus Christ for over 5 years. He is
central to my life and I was pleasantly surprized to see scripture references
in the FoRK FAQ. Strange and wonderful. Surreal even as one read.
My homepage may clarify things greater.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kevin Curran
Faculty of Informatics, University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus,Cromore Road, BT52 1SA
Phone: 01265 324702
My Home Page is at http://www.infc.ulst.ac.uk/~phkc
...The more I practice, the luckier I get!
When a superior man hears of Christ,
he immediately begins to seek Him.
When an average man hears of Christ,
he half believes it, half doubts it.
When a foolish man hears of Christ,
he laughs out loud.
If he didn't laugh,
it wouldn't be true.
There is no reason for any individuals to have a computer in their house.
- Ken Olsen, President of Digital Corp, 1977
The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay
for a message sent to nobody in particular?
- Associates response to David Sarnoff's recommendation to invest in radio in the 1920's
Chuck out the TV, watch the toaster, it's of more value.