FW: Ordering problem

Dan Kohn (dan@teledesic.com)
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 18:01:16 -0700

I'm not having a good week for electronic commerce.

- dan

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dan Kohn
>Sent: Friday, July 25, 1997 6:00 PM
>To: 'comments@moviefone.com'
>Subject: Ordering problem
>My Web browser crashed while it was waiting for the credit card confirmation
>to come through. Since I had no way of knowing if the tickets were
>confirmed, I needed to order them again. Could you please check your records
>and ensure that I won't be double-billed for these tickets (they were $24.75
>for 3 adult Contact tickets). For your reference, the last 5 digits of my
>AmEx are 01001. Please contact me by phone or e-mail if you need more info.
>Here was the URL of my successful ticket confirmation (the second time):
> - dan
>Daniel Kohn <dan@teledesic.com>
>Teledesic Corporation PGP KeyID: 0x6129DD6D
>+1-425-602-6222 (voice) 602-0002 (fax)