* Born November 25, 1974 in Ithaca, NY.
* 617/491-5030; 9 Hamlin St, Cambridge MA, 02141.
* http://xent.w3.org/ or khare@w3.org.
* Special Graduate Student in Course VI, Comp. Sci.
* 6.826 Distributed Systems (A), 6.852 Principles of Computer Systems
* Dual Major: BS degrees in Economics and Engineering & Applied Science.
* Overall GPA: 3.7 (honors graduate).
* YMCA student leadership workshop, Managing High-Performance Teams, Strategic Alliances, etc.
* Entrepreneur Club & Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum.
* AP Computer Science, Physics, Calculus BC, English, Chemistry, & American History; 4 years of French.
* Editor-in-Chief of an award-winning newspaper; founded a newsmagazine with Apple & Gannett.
* National Honor Society, National Merit Scholar, Maryland State Francis Scott Key Scholar.
* Systems Programming (A-) and Econometrics(A-).
* Micro-, Macroeconomics (A); JHU CTY Scholarship.
* Web Security, Payments, and Demographics.
* PEP, a specification for extending HTTP.
* Allied research into next-generation object protocols.
* Consulting services & software testing.
* Confidant, a workgroup encryption utility.
* Communicator, user-level Internet connectivity.
* International user community profiles & features.
* Hints & Tips; reviews; conference reports; news.
* UNIX sysadmin duties; network security; upgrades.
* Corporate & financial management and planning.
* Systems programming, administration, & strategy.
* Recordkeeping, report production; wet chemistry.
* Helped inaugurate the Archetypes program, which seeks to codify patterns of parallel and distributed software development. The primary focus has been an ``electronic textbook'' for teaching this concept to Caltech students & practitioners in the field.
* The eText Engine is a WYSIWYG hypermedia compound document editor that can embed arbitrary objects and automatically articulate documents into HTML, LaTeX, RTF, Ascii markup, and other formats. eText is more an OO document framework than an application; it includes an OO filesystem, extensible kernel services (e.g. navigation, preferences, agents), and an inspectorbased UI. eText's document microkernel can support other doc types (e.g. drawings).
* Helped organize and participated in several associated CRPC minority and K-12 outreach programs.
* Caltech SURF fellowship in Mathematics; parallel coloring algorithms. Research interest since 1986.
* Notes on eText have been published in the SigLink bulletin, SigCSE '94, and Caltech TRs; several more papers have been submitted (USENIX, European Conference on Hypermedia Technology '94).
* Presented at Hypertext '93, Dartmouth, NII Summer Institute at Los Alamos, DOE Computational Science (CSEP) Educators' Workshop at Cornell/Oak Ridge.
* Student Volunteer or sponsored participant at two dozen academic meetings & trade shows: Multimedia, Siggraph `93, Neural Networks & Capital Markets '94, User Interface Strategies & Technologies '94, etc.
* Caltech ACM Programming Contest team, 3rd place
* SigLink, SigChi, and Los Angeles ACM member.
* Involved in many UGs: President of Caltech's (CaJUN), officer of Southern California's (SCaN), and founding member, represenative, webmaster for nügi, NeXTSTEP/OpenStep Users Group International.
* Caltech finalist; selections made by CS department.