Remember the credo at NeXT, If Apple tanks it now it also tanks NeXT.
* DaveNet: Monday, February 10, 1997; by Dave Winer.
* Heidi Roizen Leaves Apple
* Dear friends and members of the Mac community:
* I have decided to resign from Apple Computer. My last day
*will be February 19th. The official
* announcement is copied below.
* In the past year, we've achieved much towards the goal of
*improving our relationship with
* developers, both in the programs we've created, as well as
*the focus on developers that we've
* engendered in the Apple management team. I'm hopeful that
*the new structure, which brings all
* platform activities under the excellent management of
*Guerrino De Luca (one of my favorite "former"
* developers himself!), will allow Apple to be effective like
*never before in creating a great opportunity
* for developers -- and for Apple too.
* However, while I believe that Apple is now making
*tremendous strides
* toward a successful turnaround, I have found that the level of
* commitment necessary for me to do this job doesn't sit well
*with another
* commitment I have made: that of raising a young family.
* The most rewarding aspect of the position has been the
*opportunity to
* work with all of you in this incredible community known as
* In particular, my thanks to those of you within the
*developer relations
* group, you are a world-class team and it has been an honor
*to work with
* you.
* I will, of course continue to cheer Apple on from the
*sidelines as both a
* shareholder and a customer. I wish you all the best....
* Regards,
* Heidi
--Until the application is written, it runs at 0 MIPS, regardless of the hardware you've got. - Steve Jobs
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