You can simply do:
ssh-agent thing-to-start-X
or if you really want to use eval:
eval `ssh-agent`
Once X comes up, do an ssh-add to give the agent your credentials,
then ssh away without ever having to type a password again.
> When I come up, xterms created by my window-manager init routines have
> DISPLAY set to :0.0, rather than something like :1.0. Is there any way
> to do this?
What problem are you experiencing? Mine is :0:0 and everything
seems happy. The important thing is that SSH_AGENT_PID and
SSH_AUTH_SOCK need to be defined so ssh knows how to talk to
your agent process.
I use CVS to manage my web site as well as my dotfiles and
scripts and stuff. I have mine set up so whenever I commit
something, CVS sends email to my account on my ISP where I have
a procmailrc that intercepts the message and runs a script to
checkout whatever I committed onto my virtual server.
I keep meaning to put some notes about this online, but never
get around to it.
-- Gerald Oskoboiny <>