I find it interesting that ZOT Group seems to be getting a hell of a bigger
bang for their buck with one year less under their belt, 80% less staff, and
a sliver of the budget.
Thanks also for mentioning IP dialtone; I guess it's time to call TOG back
to chat about their interest in ZOT Group to head up
promotion/imaging/branding/yadda for
*IT Dialtone* [too bad that section of the website is diabolically under
construction http://www.opengroup.org/overview/itdt.htm ]
Perhaps Zepher could use ZOT Group's services as well. What's up with the
screwy spelling? It's Zephyr, no? Anyway, I couldn't reach their site
without my connection timing out a couple of times already today.
It seems that Z is now the X of the new millenium. XOT we're not, however.
- S
-----Original Message-----
From: Rohit Khare <rohit@uci.edu>
To: FoRK@xent.ics.uci.edu <FoRK@xent.ics.uci.edu>
Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 3:03 AM
Subject: Zepher.com -- anyone heard of these folks?
>Of all the Herring 100, here's the one I want to learn more about,
>trapped about UA167 without IP dialtone at the moment...
>"The little McKinsey of the Web"
>... Internet services market... triple by 2002 to $43.6Bn. [IDC]...
>"define and evaluate their online objectives"... "tight focus on
>strategic web consulting distinguishes it from its massively funded
>competitors like Sapient and USWeb/CKS. Zefer is in the process of
>raising a second round of > $20M
>CEO Anthony Tjan
>Founded March 1998, 40 employees, $2M funding so far.
>Boston, 617 292 7888
>also had a very odd full-page ad, a blue-tinted closeup of a face.
>They draw their E backwards, for a cyrillic logo. anyone heard of 'em
>Long live ZOT Group! :-)
>PS. Bubble-pricking downer: whenever the bytesize of IP traffic
>surpasses voice minutes, the *revenue* associated with data will
>remain 10% of Voice... and presumably not nearly as profitable. So
>keep scratching, Global DoubleCrossing and Level (1)3... RK