Re: [eBay] Quotable Quotes

Mark Kuharich (
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 10:37:44 -0700

"Janie L. Wilkins" wrote:
brought to
> mind an article I read recently on the success of eBay in
> which one man details how he makes his living by buying and
> selling on eBay. This man claims to make $1,500/week on
> average... which would work out to be a whopping
> $78,000/year (most of which he probably doesn't have to
> claim for taxes). Anyone else out there read this article?

[I read either a similar or the same article in the WSJ. Apparently,
this man buys $35K of stamps from the local post office at one time
every week. He only half jokingly asks for an armed guard when he
approaches the service window.

Mark Kuharich

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