Re: ISP and wondering

Tom Whore (
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 10:59:04 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, someone in email wrote(1) :

--]You forgot the last option.

I have not forgoten it so much as am ignoring it:)- If I do seel out,
would it be worth doing as a hobby, or would i somehow make it a full time
thing? Could it pay off? How would be into backing such a thing?

If I could find some capttial heads Id do it in a heart beat..

Know any good venture captialists looking to toss some cash into

(1) because it was a prvate email, i ll let the authore disclose
themsleves if they want, if not ,thats thier choice..just being nice:)-

[---===tomwhore@ [] [] []]
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