Today = Jam Echelon Day

Robert Harley (
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:04:54 +0200 (MET DST)

It's upon us! Today, October 21st, spike messages with subversive
keywords, add them to your .sig, use "Esc-X spook" liberally...


>While the goal of "jamming up" Echelon is a lofty and likely
>unattainable one, is it not better to signal displeasure at being
>monitored than passively allow it to happen?

Some gratuitous content courtesy of:

(Try it, it's highly amusing!)

Top Secret

From: Major General P. C. Franklin, Deputy Director, Joint National Test Facility

To: Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS)

As members of the holy revolutionary front, we must track the ASIO agents working out of Edwards AFBwhen you least expect it.
Additionally, The defector inside ASIO cabled us this morning. Apparently he wants to destroy SIGINT capabilities operating in Boston
next week Further to that, The Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI) is about to conduct some Offensive
Information Warfare from GCHQ in Manchester in a couple of days time Finally, SIGINT from the KWT-46 suggests that theyre being
blackmailed. As of this morning, it looks like theyll get the monthly drop from the 850th Communications Squadron Lieutenant in London
next week
