Re: we get NO signal, all your 802.11 base are belong to the Man

Date: Sun Mar 11 2001 - 01:58:23 PST

Tom WSMF wrote:

> Actualy that thread leads to a whole other mailing list that is moving
> along the 802.11 tip very nicely.

I checked the archives, but apparently missed it. You don't mean
the MITRE thing, do you? It's a nice hack, but it's a hack.

Either way round, it's too late now, as the improvised grassroot stuff
is being deployed already, and defines future standards.

I've joined several mailing lists and browsed through several archives.
My impression is the same: the breathless local-pursuit approach
produces ad hoc solutions which freeze in place, and later break
horribly, instead of being flexible enough to be twisted into
shapes they were not designed for. Interim, blocking further progress.
> Where you be son, lagging?:)-

No, just swamped, and on dialup. I still think for FoRK the topic doesn't
receive not 1% of coverage it deserves. We *are* fux0red, and we *do* fully
deserve it.

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