Welcome to the WebStep mailing list.
We've gotten quite a few subscribers already, I'm glad to report.
Like a flight attendant checking if everyone on-board was really headed for Greensboro, though, I'll reiterate whom I think this list is aimed at:
* Developers of W3 tools
OmniWeb, Pages, SpiderWoman, eText, other document processors
* Lead Users
Help determine what features are necessary
The list assumes as a prerequisite:
* Thorough understanding of NeXTSTEP/OpenStep API & Tools
* NeXTMAIL capable addresses
However, I stress that WebStep is a completely open-membership, unmoderated
list, as appropriate to the standards process we hope to establish.
Proposals to this list should follow the guidelines of IETF Internet RFC's:
Proposed Standard -> at least two interoperable implementations -> Standard
We remind subscribers that discussion materials will be archived at:
and requests should be addressed to:
This developer list will automatically include any messages sent from