Interesting Wrinkle: Omni slipstreamed a NeXT URI type.

Rohit Khare (khare)
Fri, 10 Feb 1995 12:57:55 -0800

Dissecting Omni.9.3's drag format:

(gdb) p (id)[sender draggingPasteboard]
$1 = (struct Pasteboard *) 0x5fbde4
(gdb) p (char **)[$ types]
$2 = (char **) 0x71a404
(gdb) p $2[0]
$3 = 0x716f04 "World Wide Web Hypertext Markup Pasteboard Type"
(gdb) p $2[1]
$4 = 0x716f34 "NeXT Universal Resource Identifier pasteboard type"
(gdb) p $2[2]
$5 = 0x6004200 "NeXT plain ascii pasteboard type"

The corresponding bits are:
buf_base = 0x5fc000 "<A

buf_base = 0x6830f8 "",

buf_base = 0x6830f8 "",

Well, well, well...

I don't think these are very good names for the pasteboard types either, since
they need to have version numbers or consistent form.
I have some other ideas forthcoming in RFC#2.

Can someone from Omni please clear this up? Did y'all hear from NeXT after all
of this?
