Re: .gif and NetScape Tag

Rohit Khare (khare)
Wed, 8 Feb 1995 08:58:47 -0800

! ! Rohit Khare asks: "Seriously, should we, as a standards group,
! ! recognize the validity of producing NetScape tags? I can
! ! understand the browser-writers wanting to implement it, but
! ! I think it's not good policy for authoring standards."

! Pages, for one, has been and will continue to work with the
! HTML Working Group as well as the DSSSL Committee to help
! direct standards efforts, and we'd like to see WebStep do the
! same. Our position is to support, maintain, and extend open
! standards. We also want to preserve the separation of structure
! and content from style in HTML applications. As such, we will
! not be supporting format tagging (such as some of the Netscape
! extensions) unless (a) the market demands it and (b) it does
! not promulgate a proprietary, non-open position.


Hence I think a fair statement is: "WebStep-compliant applications must conform
to HTML language standards as promulgated by W3O and the IETF; and proprietary
extensions shall not be recognized."

Sorry to sound so pompous, but this implies that (obviously) developers are
free to implement what they will, but only HTML levels 2 and 3 are deemed

As an appendix, I'd just like to remind the lurkers on this list (you know who
you are! :) that WebStep is NOT (yet?) a "real" standards body like an IETF
Working Group or anything else; we are spectators and boosters of the process.
Any input on WebStep's formal role would be welcome.
