URL Opener services

Rohit Khare (khare)
Mon, 6 Feb 1995 18:38:45 -0800

OmniWeb .9 replaced the "Open URL" service with the "OmniWeb/Open URL" service.
And voila, eText breaks. NeXTSTEP web tools need a standardized mechanism to
manage URLs and open them.

Several alternative scenarios, arranged in increasing order of ???:

1) Define a .url filetype. Its title is a description (a la OW's bookmarks),
its contents a single URI string. [[NXApp workspace] openFile:] is the sole

1b) Define an NSDictionary-based .url filetype, where the Dictionary has keys
for scheme, host, reference, author, etc. This allows us to integrate URIs and
"moving" URLs.

1c) define foo.scheme.url to be the filetype, where the "secondary extension"
indicates the type of app to launch (Servers.gopher.url should go to
NeXTGopher.app, not necessarily MonolithicBrowser.app)

2) Define a standard set of services under "WWW/"

3) Define a standard set of dwrites under the owner "WWW" for the designated
app and the message to send it

4) a standard DO-based server object ([[NXApp webspace] getIconForURL:])

5) Define filter pasteboards for the forthcoming URL pboard type that return
apps willing to open said URL.

6) Write a standard preferences module or Opener.app module that users can
configure to reroute URLs (Ernie would have us call it the Duke_of_URL :)

7) Define a .urlcap a la .mailcap.

8) Define filter services that actually "process" urls; take a WebSTEP url type
and return HTML or formatted RTFD or ...

