Re: What's in a .htmld or .htmd?

Bruce Gingery (
Fri, 27 Jan 95 05:28:31 -0700

Scott Anguish wrote in response to Bill Bumgarner:

bbum> When doing this, it is quite valuable to have a somewhat intelligent
bbum > filename (IE: something other than "index.html"). Of course, even
bbum > a non "index.html" filename is not completely useful -- it contains

-> Yes, but I'm not entirely sure that this is the 'norm'... and its
-> more important to cater to the average web browser/user

It's been a week or so since I used it, but as I recall,
CERN's web page/E-mail fetch daemon returns the FULL
URL in addition to page content both for "send" and "deep"
command responses.

ALSO an http get+save of a document should at least have the
option of rename/redirect (a-la-Omni) i.e. via Save panel.

It SHOULD be possible to ncftp with -c (cat) and redirect to
the "more descriptive name", for example, from commandline
for Bill's convenience. Would require the appropriate

Bruce Gingery <>