Re: IBM, Netscape, Oracle, and Sun collaboration.

Rohit Khare (
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 15:11:50 -0500 (EST)

Called CrossWare from Netscape. See also

Tech Firms Back Netscape on Extranet Standards

A blueprint describing extranet standards for extending corporate
intranets outside firewalls will be available Q2. That word as 40
leading companies -not including Microsoft- join Netscape in support of
open standards to enable secure "extranets" and delivery of powerful
business applications. Netscape plans a product line of
next-generation client, server and development tool software that
supports "crossware" apps which transcend multiple operating
systems. Open standards being endorsed key on safety for email and
electronic credentials. Our take: Netscape's vision of open standards
for delivery of safe, robust business apps moves older client/server
platforms closer to the trash heap.