Disclosure: Mainspring
I a member of the Strategic Advisory Board for Mainspring Communications,
for which I also provide consulting services. Mainspring Communications i=
an interactive information service for businesses and professionals
deploying Internet technologies. I=A0see a synergy in the work of Mainspr=
and that of the World Wide Web Consortium, of which Mainspring is a membe=
Tim Berners-Lee
--- -------------------------------------------------- http://www.mainspring.com/advisors.htmlMainspring Communications Strategic Advisory Board=20
Purpose of the Strategic Advisory Board
The Mainspring Strategic Advisory Board provides advice to Our senior management team in the areas of business, content, and technology strateg= y. While the management team has years of experience in on-line publishing, building successful companies, and deploying information technology, creating a new company and a new category <Picture> interactive informati= on services <Picture> is a formidable and complex task. Thus we seek to involve leaders from the business, publishing, and technology communities to help us build a successful world-wide enterprise that will deliver unprecedented value to our customers.