How to do the Macarena.

I Find Karma (
Sat, 24 Aug 96 00:52:55 PDT

Sorry, Rohit, but this needs to be archived just to capture
the mood you were in when you reached your vision yesterday.

Dancing the macarena requires you to move with the 16 beats of the
music. Here's what to do:

Beat 1: Put your right arm straight in front of you with your palm down.

Beat 2: Put your left arm straight in front of you with your palm down.

Beat 3: Put your right arm straight in front of you with your palm up.

Beat 4: Put your left arm straight in front of you with your palm up.

Beat 5: Grab the inside of your left elbow.

Beat 6: Grab the inside of your right elbow.

Beat 7: Grab the back of your neck with your right hand.

Beat 8: Grab the back of your neck with your left hand.

Beat 9: Put you right hand on your left front pocket.

Beat 10: Put your left hand on your right front pocket.

Beat 11: Put your right hand on your right rear pocket.

Beat 12: Put your left hand on your left rear pocket.

Beat 13: Move your bottom to the left.

Beat 14: Move your bottom to the right.

Beat 15: Move your bottom to the left again.

Beat 16: Clap and turn to the right.