1. Invention Machine Home Page http://www.invention-machine.com
2. Description of TRIZ from Glenn Mazur, a lecturer at the U. of Mich.
3. Course Description of ME class on TRIZ at Wayne State U.
4. Description of book by Altshuller on TRIZ,"The Art of Inventing"
Dr. Tsourikov's Bio:
Dr. Tsourikov received his PhD in Computer Science and Artifical
Intelligence from Moscow Electrical Communication University. He was
formerly an Associate Professor of Computer Science and head of the
Intelligent System Laboratory at Minsk University of Informatics. He
has authored more than 70 papers in computer science, as well as the
book "The Path to Invention' (Russian). In 1994, Dr. Tsourikov was
named "Intellectual Man of the Year" by the British Biographic
Society for outstanding achievement in Computer Science.