The Official Rohit Khare count in MsgList is presently 136.

I Find Karma (
Mon, 15 Apr 96 12:15:18 PDT

Rohit's contributions to MsgList are all below, for archival
purposes, of course. Please send any more suggestions. Heh heh.

...borrowed from the epidemiological concept of herd immunity...
-- Rohit Khare, under protest

A "130MB" CDROM? What did they do, sandblast the other 400MB?
-- Rohit Khare

AT MOST 3% of what either of us do is worth knowing.
-- Rohit Khare

Aaahhhh... nothing like a fine breakfast of snapple, cheetos, and
-- Rohit Khare

Also, the isa/hasa design flaw shows up in the design of Knapsack.
-- Rohit Khare

Am I going to have to come by and personally dust sodium on your toilet
-- Rohit Khare

Am I going to have to come by and personally slip leeches in your snapple
-- Rohit Khare

Any fool with money can have a Mercedes, but few can have taste.
-- Rohit Khare

Anything styrical onyour mind?
-- Rohit Khare

Are you nuts? I really wasn't planning on giving a talk to some Armenian
computer science group, were you?
-- Rohit Khare

As good as the usual black-cube multi-story office building does when
sticking out like a sore thumb on a skyline of skiffs.
-- Rohit Khare

BTB 9By the by0, Ousterhout is another fine example of 30ness. Magic,
Sprite, TCL, Hopper, now SUN. Distinguished teaching, PYI, NSF GR
-- Rohit Khare

Bad design should make you physically ill.
-- Rohit Khare

By the grace of slow mailservers, you are granted absolution...
-- Rohit Khare

CIT said Cylert. MIT says Lithium. I guess I'll try it, but it makes me
wonder what Urbana would prescribe... Ben-Gay?
-- Rohit Khare

Callipigian and pyrolagnia.
-- Rohit Khare

Checking that europa actually HAS gcc and cc, an extremely suspect
proposition given this department.
-- Rohit Khare

Cluefulness is neccessarily correlated with ambition to achieve anything.
The first rank at least has that much of a self-selection bias in its
-- Rohit Khare

Cool only in the sense that it slows the flow of electrons in your brain
to nearly zero as your interest in the topic converges on -459.67 F.
-- Rohit Khare

Dinner? Anyone? I promise not to talk about
-- Rohit Khare

Do you just regurgitate whatever colorful bauble flits across your
-- Rohit Khare

Does everything you say have to be open to complete disdain?
-- Rohit Khare

Eat Thai food like the Thai do... sparingly.
-- Rohit Khare

Even I haven't used economic, hypermedia, theory, and hazardous waste in
a single sentence yet...
-- Rohit Khare

Even better than that Sweeps series on LA news last year, Is God Mad at
us? Really, it was a five-part weeklong series. Only in LA.
-- Rohit Khare

Everything is an object; every object has a declarative UI; every object
is secure, authenticated, virtualizable, sharable, archivable, and alive.
-- Rohit Khare

Exciting minority teens? How, by aiming gamma rays at them until the
spontaneously ejected a photon?
-- Rohit Khare

Exited Mann Chinese at _exactly_ 4:19 AM. Return trip is ~17 minutes.
-- Rohit Khare

FORK (Friends Of Rohit Khare) Consulting: "Stick a FORK in it; it's
-- Rohit Khare

FTR, it makes no difference with his illy mechanism. The cat is
half-dead until opens the box.
-- Rohit Khare

Fedex at 3-sat. (Fedex can't do n-saturation, though :)
-- Rohit Khare

First, I suspected a bug in printf, then in the data storage types, then
in the loop optimization. As usual, though, it was a bug in the
-- Rohit Khare

violently creative have no future applying to graduate school, it seems...

-- Rohit Khare

-- Rohit Khare

Gak. I remember SUIF now, I think, and not fondly...
-- Rohit Khare

Good call, you hit it right on.
-- Rohit Khare to Adam Rifkin, 3/7/95

Gymming? No, I'm missing a fifth of my big toe...
-- Rohit Khare

He decided to write messages on people's whiteboards quoting the famous
Rohit Khare negotiation method.
-- Rohit Khare

He has low enough morals that he wil undoubtedly be able to buy us out in
ten years.
-- Rohit Khare

He is now a heretic with a travel budget. And we intend to take care of
at least one of those.
-- Rohit Khare

Help, am dying of repiratory shit... need flickage.
-- Rohit Khare

Hi, I'm Rohit, and I'm in charge of security.
-- Rohit Khare

I also had the displeasure of trying that... Black Death... Brain Wash...
I threw out half a $3.50 bottle...
-- Rohit Khare

I am in tomorrowland.
-- Rohit Khare

I assure you there is a second tier, and a third, and a fourth. In this
assignation there is no justice, no fairness, no democracy, but it is
meted out just the same...
-- Rohit Khare

I don't think you're "looking" for Rob. "Waiting", I'll buy, but you
butt hasn't moved from that xterm in ages...
-- Rohit Khare

I don;t know how many currses control come in handy? it already has an X
interface, which is aboincation enough.,
-- Rohit Khare

I have *no* idea where they spooged my address from. Yes, a letter to
postmaster is on the way.
-- Rohit Khare

I have finally reached my breaking point. I am installing arules-based
mailfilter that will summarily toss ANY mail cc:ed to dobbin into
-- Rohit Khare

I have managed to miss EVERY SINGLE DEADLINE that has been set this term.
Every single one was extended or futzed: every homework, every form,
every bill, every exam, every piece of paperwork.
-- Rohit Khare

I have rarely, if ever, seen Acknowledgement sections as gratuitously
profligate as yours.
-- Rohit Khare

I have sated my need to file, but am helpless before the howling pit bull
of 95.
-- Rohit Khare

I have spent all morning, from 9:30 to now, writing a measly three RFCs.
How can anyone be so busy and get so little done?
-- Rohit Khare

I have the best hoobris in the business.
-- Rohit Khare

I hope the answer is either this or the egg sandwich I just got from
Jack-in-the-Crack :0)
-- Rohit Khare

I know the Rifkin Bouncemail Engine is a sieve, but on bcc:d private
mail... !?!?
-- Rohit Khare

I need to make some progress on this talk, but I also need some tacos...
-- Rohit Khare

I quit. I hate this shit, and this shit obviously hates me back.
-- Rohit Khare

I think it's my tie collection. People can't respect an engineer with a
-- Rohit Khare

I think that timeline, like most, diverges into junk. A fine example of
historical myopia, with more detail in the last five years than the
previous twenty.
-- Rohit Khare

I want Howard Stern's body.
-- Rohit Khare, on Howard's fitness program

I want OFSes: not files with new stat() bits, but real, named,
filterable, convertible objects.
-- Rohit Khare

I'm actually wathcing country music tv, and they are actually
broadcasting a video called Highway Patrol... that *praises* the chippies
for keeping you driving slow.
-- Rohit Khare

I'm not going to give you the pleasure of groaning... what message was
the proximate cause of this anti-cluon emission?
-- Rohit Khare

I'm perfectly capable of being a grouch emeritus arguing priority claims
in 2025.
-- Rohit Khare

I'm really sick again; it's that impending-deadline strep+allergy I get
every time. Gallons of snot, hours of sleep.
-- Rohit Khare

I'm remembering people on the way down because I'll be seeing them again
on the way up.
-- Rohit Khare

I've also wasted time cleaning up after the slimy spoor of an Archetype
Bibliography our Riffer-boy expectorated.
-- Rohit Khare

I've had it up to here with your 3PM "lunches."
-- Rohit Khare

If I am paid a single grain of rice, it is enough to make to make me
mindful of 't.
-- Rohit Khare

If a picture is normally worth a thousand words, then that picture is
worth about twelve.
-- Rohit Khare

If this department has a grapevine, Rifkin would be something nut-based.
-- Rohit Khare

If this department has a grapevine, she is the raisin bran.
-- Rohit Khare

In case that wasn't clear, I'm not an ENTJ on a real MBTI.
-- Rohit Khare

Is it wrong in this day and age to ask for a meaningful relationship with
one's email?
-- Rohit Khare

It's your same damn habit with books and the passenger seat.
-- Rohit Khare

Just finished installing Objective-C on the SunOS boxes. 45MB of
compiled source to produce a lousy 250k library Chris forgot to install.
-- Rohit Khare

Let r be a group, g be a field, and f be a ring.
-- Rohit Khare

Life sucks, and FedEx is open till 5.
-- Rohit Khare

MCI has given all attendees free phone card service for the week,
apparently worldwide. Nice advertising for them, eh?
-- Rohit Khare

Must you blindly ape everything PJ O'Rourke does?
-- Rohit Khare

My long-term research ideas involve putting an OO language and
distributed-programming-made-easy interface atop some global namespace
-- Rohit Khare

My my my the feigned gaps in thy Weltannshaung...
-- Rohit Khare

Not just milk, batteries and toilet paper... nooo... they said to order
DRY ICE!!! Why? to save food, when the power to the fridge blows. There's
going to be two FEET of snow outside, and they want me to buy ICE?!?!?!
-- Rohit Khare

Novell is such a loser company. Every morning they pull down their
pants, bow towards Boca Raton and send Bill some Crisco... First DR-DOS,
then UNIX, then the 3-4 fiasco, now this...
-- Rohit Khare

Once an idea hits him on the head, you know it's reached the bottom of
the stupid chain.
-- Rohit Khare

One is never disdainful of talent. Never. But spinelessness and
meekness are harder to stomach. Passion, vision, and ambition are what
separate the agents of change from the sheep. Talent without
passion/ambition is one of the most depressing/pathetic states of being.
-- Rohit Khare

Only often fun? What is it the rest of the time? Being chained like
dogs in the darkest dungeons and being fed caffeine? Oh, I forgot, we get
fluorescent lighting.
-- Rohit Khare

People don't *have* medical records; are you going to drag a filecabinet
of records around the slums for 10 years?
-- Rohit Khare

Political theater needs more theater and less politics.
-- Rohit Khare

RNA uses massive replication, in every cell, and in the flesh of the 97%.

-- Rohit Khare

ROB!! --> you can be the very first to do this trick: take a gif and an
imagemap.conf, and do ASCII clickable maps!!!
-- Rohit Khare

Satisfaction is hard, satisfiability is merely NP-hard.
-- Rohit Khare

She was wearing BOXING GLOVES. What do you mean she was nude?
-- Rohit Khare

So what do you think the scatological implications of whiz-bangery are?
-- Rohit Khare

So what is your advice to the young, the violent, the headstrong these
-- Rohit Khare

Such is the power of relationship marketing: I spent $100 at Tower today
on Adam's recommendations (well, some of them).
-- Rohit Khare

Sure, I'll crack. Soon as I finish nn.
-- Rohit Khare

Take me some place where the caffeine is thick.
-- Rohit Khare

Taxonomy? Isn't that the study of Bill Clinton's economic plan?
-- Rohit Khare

Thanks for your patronage. Come again, before we get those military pit
bulls trained to sniff out & snuff out any scent of twitterhood...
-- Rohit Khare

That last response took me 20 minutes to write, all told. Was that good
time management, or incompetent typing skill?
-- Rohit Khare

That piece of pathetic trash Gates "writes" is not considered newsworthy
by the New York, nay not even the Los Angeles, Times.
-- Rohit Khare

That was three days ago, a while back.
-- Rohit Khare

The Handicapped Extrotion Gang... I like that anomie...
-- Rohit Khare

The layout... Tell me, look at and tell me *WHAT* Digital
-- Rohit Khare

The taco exchange rate is, no kidding, 89 cents at the Bell here!! and it
tastes worse, and the service is an order of magnitude off...
-- Rohit Khare

There are times in life when you actually DO want a vt100 hooked up to a
net connection. Ah, the horror! The horror!
-- Rohit Khare

There's a huge frickin gap betweeen a computat. scientist who can code
the soln to the specified problems, and a real scientist who understands
-- Rohit Khare

This is the kind of low-grade grad-student abuse the American Science
Establishment was built upon... such vile, ostentatious cluelessness...
-- Rohit Khare

This was emotionally exhausting. Let's not do it agina sometime.
-- Rohit Khare

Time is nature's way of preventing everything from happening at once.
Space is nature's way of preventing everything from happening to you.
-- Rohit Khare

To say no to this is to deny that what makes a man. (M-x rand-mode OFF)
-- Rohit Khare

Today I've drained more fluid through my nose than my penis.
-- Rohit Khare, 6/15/94

US-CA-LA OO GUI Tool Demo for Consultants and Programmers.
-- Rohit Khare

Universe exists to mock me. I was at that moment racing to turn in that
damn paper at noon, and I handed over an... empty folder!!! The damn
paper slid put onto the passenger seat.
-- Rohit Khare

We Now Bring You A Live Report From Baghdad... what is this drivel of a
-- Rohit Khare

We need to solve the agglomaerativenaming problem ASAP. It's worth a
System Software Award.
-- Rohit Khare

What do I have to do to get on the front page of the New York Times?
-- Rohit Khare

What does the Rifkin cerebrum look like with a side of hash browns and a
rasher of bacon?
-- Rohit Khare

When publishing is made free, only the criminally insane will publish.
-- Rohit Khare

Where do you find such stupid blokes? This weenie shouldn't be allowed
anywhere near a gedankenexperiment without a license!
-- Rohit Khare

White men can't hold their bladders.
-- Rohit Khare

Whoops. Sorry. I didn't realize that; I hit reply, and pasted in my
solution a half-hour later. Anything you'd like by way of apology?
-- Rohit Khare

Why are there no flavored marshmellows?
-- Rohit Khare

Why is there no video rental delivery?
-- Rohit Khare

With enough ex-lax you can pass anything.
-- Rohit Khare

Without time to rise, there is no loaf.
-- Rohit Khare

You are so reliable. I should set my watch by you.
-- Rohit Khare

You are such a font of eminently deleteable mail...
-- Rohit Khare

You sound so happy we'll all chip in and buy you a kevlar bodysuit.
-- Rohit Khare

You want your coffee, you want your food, blend it, suck it down, leave
us alone.
-- Rohit Khare

[Insert multi-culti expletive of choice], when are you going to get it
straight that the bits only flow one way in this relationship?
-- Rohit Khare

"smut for food"... Churchill never rhetoricized himself into a corner
like that!
-- Rohit Khare

h3Y D00D! mY W4R3Z W0N'T C0MP1L3 & 1T'Z 4LL Y0UR PH4ULT!!!!!!
-- Rohit Khare

what's your point? you have an alternate capitalization?
-- Rohit Khare