Obviously this is Elitist computer jargon. I happend be a fine student in
school until high school where girls, drugs, sex, beer, cars, and other
things got in the way. However I can certaintly understand facist writings
when I see it. Lets look at this a little closer. . .
>Let's see, in 4th grade, in a school system in the middle of the San Fernando
>Valley, I was already expected to write a "report" every month. A few of my
>favorites were a lengthy biography of Enrico Fermi (I remember this becaus it
>was the first report I did on my new Apple //c)
4th grade, suffering in a smog laden land of surburbia, using an Apple Computer
>a report on the Dodo bird
uh-huh, this needs no further explanation
>>and a biography of Charles Schulz
Cartoon creator...
So the translation of the quote is, "if you are brain dead to the level of a
forth grader from oxygen starvation, an Apple computer is all you will need,
although most people will go around behind your back calling you a Idiot
(dodo) and you will only look at computers as things with pretty little
cartoon icons."
Sheesh.. you guys think your Soooooooo smart... :-)
--There are no incurable ills | There are no believable Gods There are no unkillable thrills | There are no unreachable goals There are no unbeatable odds | There are no unsaveable souls . . Osbourne e-mail tbyars@cris.com
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