Fortunately, there is a good html/doc reader for the pilot that doesn't do updates [1]. Of course you have to convert the html to its own format for installation, but it has something that can be invoked from the command line.
Unfortunately, I can't get the DOS command line to work properly. It keeps stating "Error: Failed to open source file d:\winapps\isilo\files\nytimes.html". However, I can get it to work with the WINNT app invoked from commandline (for single pages, and you have to click a ok button.) The following sorta works well for single page documents:
winHTTP\comline.exe -o files/weather.html
d:\winapps\isilo\isilo32.exe -y -d1 files/weather.html
If I can get the DOS utility to read the HTML file, I'll cron this baby and have an unlimited number of multipage Web sites updated daily! (I can't get the DOS utility to do anything, even with the HTML file sitting right there in its directory...)
Joseph Reagle Jr.
Policy Analyst
XML-Signature Co-Chair