Re: Enough!

Jeff Bone (
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 19:27:45 -0500

Partial touche...

But you still make my point for me: whether or not the President
exposes his dick to subordinates and asks them to kiss it is a
materially important fact in the case in question. Whether he has
consensual extramarital sex, oral or otherwise, is not.

> No one, not any citizen, gets to lie under oath.

I believe that any citizen who is compelled to testify under oath on
matters which, by their nature, are private matters of a legal nature
and protected under other circumstances by other laws... has every
right to not answer, or lie, or sing Yankee Doodle Dandy if that's what
they want to do. But that's a personal opinion, and not (even my own)
legal opinion. I believe the judge overstepped his bounds, and I
believe that Clinton's attorneys screwed up when they didn't immediately

start objecting to that line of questioning and not stop objecting until

every last one of them was thrown out of court.

My logic *is* rather ipso facto. But Clinton and his attorneys knew the

facts ahead of time. It's their bumble for not taking care of
business. But of course Bill probably didn't come clean with the
attorneys ahead of time, either... sex addicts typically lie to conceal

their actions.

> I still think you are hung up on sex.

I have no idea how you got to that conclusion. I'm hung up on privacy
in general. Whether the entity forcing disclosure is the government, my

insurance company, your insurance company, or my favorite search engine,

and whether the matter in question is my sex life, my financial
background, my spending habits, my surfing patterns, or whatever... as
long as it doesn't impact someone else, or that impact is consensual,
then it's my / our business and I shouldn't be compelled to disclose it.

As for the *sex* aspect, I think many people (the ones that are hung up
on the perjury issue) are taking an ideal extreme and forgetting how
trivial the incident that precipitated the lie actually was. Adulterers

lie about their affairs, bottom line. The fact that it happened in a
court room, under oath... well, hell. That doesn't change anything for

me. I bet 9 out of 10 guys would do the same thing in the same
situation if they thought they'd get away with it.

As for you being held in contempt... well, *way to go!* I'm very
serious about that. I think most judges run their courts like medieval
fiefdoms, and have way too much latitude. I've been to court myself,
and though I wasn't held in contempt, I doubt that judge would count me
as the most cooperative person he's ever had the stand.
