Patented Business Processes

Gregory Alan Bolcer (
Fri, 04 Sep 1998 09:20:27 -0700

So, in light of the recent change of patent hearts,
I've been thinking about patenting some of our business
models. The first, of course, is our page feedback
and other FoRK Idealab items listed

My other stupid idea of the day is this. Take advantage
of the relative stupidity and inefficiency of search engines.
Put up a single page per book with no other information than just
the NY Times top 10 best seller, one book and title per page,
that comes out every week.

The natural sorting of the pages will usually find that page
more 'exactly' relevant at a higher percentage than pages
that have to include stuff like pricing and copyrights, etc.
Automatically forward to with the changed URL
with the forkrecommendedrA tag at the end.

Then just use the recommendation kickback to make the site
self-sufficient. Welcome the middleman.


There isn't a search engine alive that can outsmart me. 8-)