[Fwd: Economics and Artificial Intelligence (fwd)]

Ron Resnick (resnick@interlog.com)
Thu, 18 Sep 1997 16:23:51 +0200

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Note Hal Varian's involvement in this effort. I wonder
if the 'Spring 1999' date is right? Sounds a bit far out. Ron.

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From: Uri Resnick <resnick@math.huji.ac.il>
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Subject: Economics and Artificial Intelligence (fwd)
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 14:07:38 +0200
From: Monderer Dov <dov@IE.TECHNION.AC.IL>
To: Multiple recipients of list RATION-L <RATION-L@taunivm.tau.ac.il>
Subject: Economics and Artificial Intelligence


Special issue of GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR devoted to


Dov Monderer Moshe Tennenholtz Hal Varian
dov@ie.technion.ac.il moshet@ie.technion.ac.il hal@sims.berkeley.edu

Economics and artificial intelligence have overlapping interests in
some important fundamental issues. While economic models typically deal
with the behavior and interaction of rational agents, artificial
intelligence deals with the construction of such agents. Consequently
these two research areas exhibit parallel approaches to issues such as
decision-making, bounded rationality, information processing,
knowledge and common knowledge, coordination and cooperation, and

In spite of these fundamental connections, there still seems to be a
considerable distance between work in artificial intelligence and
work in economics. For example, much of the work in modern economics
(e.g., game theory) is concerned with multi-agent interactions. It
seems, however, that the existing models do not capture the new and
important forms of interactions exhibited by distributed
computational environments (like the Internet) discussed in
artificial intelligence.
Conversely, computer scientists working on market-like algorithms
have often not been aware of relevant work in economics, such
as auction theory and mechanism design.
The aim of this issue is to contribute to
shrinking this distance.

Contributions should fit one of the following categories:

1. Presentation and study of new economic models that are tailored
to computational environments such as the Internet.

2. Presentation and study of new artificial intelligence techniques that
are grounded in Economics.

3. Contributions to existing theories in the intersection
of Economics and Artificial Intelligence.

* Three copies of the submitted paper should be submitted to the
journal editorial office following the standard GEB process outlined
on the back of the journal or at www.apnet.com/www/journal/ga/gaifa.htm .
The submission letters should indicate that the authors wish to be
considered for the EAI issue. Papers should arrive no later than April 30,
1998. The special issue is scheduled to appear in the Spring of 1999.
* All submitted papers will be refereed by the usual GEB standards
and procedures.
* At the discretion of the authors, accepted EAI papers may be
converted to regular GEB accepted papers at any time prior to final
* For further information contact one of the editors at the addresses above.

Looks like it might be of interest to you when it comes out.
