I just flew back in from Redmond and I think I'm finally out of Beta
Hell... CDs get cut tomorrow.
BTW look for my really exciting article about clustering in NT systems
magazine. TOC on http://www.ntsystems.com/nts108tc.htm. Text on
http://research.microsoft.com/~joebar/wolfpack/ntsystems27.doc, but it
doesn't look nearly as pretty as it does in the magazine -- sidebars and
everything. (I've published papers before of course, but this is my
first magazine article. Well, I've had a few short stories appear in the
Atlantic, and a couple articles in Scientific American, but those don't
really count -- I just dashed them off without putting too much effort
into them.)
- Joe
Joseph S. Barrera III (joebar@microsoft.com)
Phone, Office: (415) 778-8227; Cellular: (415) 601-3719; Home: (650)
The opinions expressed in this message are my own personal views and do
not reflect the official views of Microsoft Corporation.