The Stupid Economy
Gregory Alan Bolcer (
Mon, 09 Nov 1998 15:28:44 -0800
In the true tradtion of making meaningless predictions
just on the off chance that I might be right, I just
thought I'd share my elliot wave analysis. It's DOW
9612 by beginning of December, and then January makes
a pull back. If it doesn't close below 8500, then we'll
have DOW 12k next year. If it closes below that, it'll
hit DOW 7249 by the end of January and DOW 6398 by March or
before. What good are these predictions if you don't know which
direction the market is heading? Easy, when you know you are
going to have a big move, you can straddle the market
with options. One direction becomes worthless, the other
doubles or more (but only if it moves beyond the strike
Just guessing.