Chartering a business class cabin...

Rohit Khare (
Thu, 11 Dec 1997 00:43:11 -0800

[Now THIS is a frequent flier award worth saving for ... -RK]

[PS. Gang -- I'll be in India Dec 14-31.]


Companies and private parties need not charter a whole plane for meetings and
other occasions, Air New Zealand has introduced a concept called Private
Business which enables passengers to charter only an entire business section.

Companies, incentive groups and other delagations can book the airlines'
business class for their exclusive use. The customer can choose to rename the
cabin, personalise the menu, emblazon the company logo on each seat, create a
corporate welcome video which can be aired on the personal video screen.

This concept can also be used for a private trip like a wedding party. The
idea is akin to travelling in a corporate jet at a lesser cost. The airline
doesnot charge bythe seat, instead, groups can pay a lumpsum fare and receive
a private cabin irrespective of the number of seats.