"Bill Labs"

Joe Barrera (joebar@MICROSOFT.com)
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 12:13:14 -0800

I'm famous! I'm famous! (see the word "five" below :-)

"While it interferes with his dinner-party idea, he and Gates realize that
at least some geniuses don't want to move to rainy Redmond. For these, he is
willing to set up satellite offices. That's what won over Gordon Bell, the
dean of the minicomputer, and Jim Gray, a legendary designer of databases.
With five others, they work out of a smallish office in San Francisco. Bell
offers advice on research projects--he's particularly enamored of a
Microsoft effort to make videocameras a standard PC component--and doubles
as Gates' Silicon Valley spy. He was the one who suggested that Microsoft
purchase WebTV Networks, which is still based in Palo Alto."


- Joe

Joseph S. Barrera III <joebar@microsoft.com>
Phone, Office: (415) 778-8227; Cellular: (415) 601-3719; Home: (415)
The opinions expressed in this message are my own personal views and do not
reflect the official views of Microsoft Corporation.