Fwd: Faculty Position in Software Engineering, University of California, Irvine

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From: Rohit Khare (Rohit@KnowNow.com)
Date: Mon Nov 20 2000 - 20:20:37 PST

>From: "Richard N. Taylor" <taylor@ics.uci.edu>
>Subject: Faculty Position in Software Engineering, University of
> California, Irvine
>The University of California, Irvine, Department of Information and
>Computer Science (ICS), is seeking excellent candidates for a
>tenured or tenure-track position in Software Engineering. UC Irvine
>has a strong research group in software engineering. Our current
>research emphases include software architecture, Internet-scale
>distributed systems, middleware, analysis and testing, configuration
>management, component-based systems, software understanding, process
>and workflow, agent-based systems, mobile code, and software
>engineering environments. We are seeking candidates in any area of
>software engineering that will complement or bolster these emphases.
>The software engineering group has a track-record of great Ph.D
>students who have been highly influential, making key contributions,
>e.g., to HTTP/1.1, Apache, and WebDAV. Others have gone on to start
>exciting new companies, to become professors in other research
>universities, or highly positioned staff in prominent research
>Nominally the position is for an Assistant Professor, but
>exceptional candidates from all ranks are eagerly sought. We are
>looking for applicants with a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or a
>related field and strong research credentials as evidenced by
>scholarly publications. Applicants for a senior position must also
>demonstrate a proven track record in funded research activities.
>The Department and UCI are poised for exceptional growth in the
>coming years. The ICS Department (http://www.ics.uci.edu/) is
>organized as an independent campus unit reporting to the Executive
>Vice Chancellor. It runs the largest computing program in the
>University of California system, and has designed an undergraduate
>honors program that attracts the campus' most qualified students.
>External funding from government and industrial sponsors exceeded
>$10 million last year. The Department currently has 38 full-time
>faculty and 200 Ph.D. students involved in various research areas
>including analysis of algorithms and data structures, artificial
>intelligence and machine learning, hardware-software co-design,
>parallel and distributed processing, embedded systems, communication
>networks, middleware technology, security and cryptography,
>databases, information retrieval and visualization, computational
>biology, computer graphics, human computer interaction and computer
>supported cooperative work, programming languages, software
>development and advanced software technology. ICS faculty are at the
>forefront of research in emerging areas of the computer science
>discipline such as multimedia/embedded computing, Internet computing
>and mobile systems, knowledge-discovery in databases, biomedical
>informatics, the role of information in computer science, and the
>social aspects of computing technology. The faculty has effective
>interdisciplinary ties to colleagues in the arts, biology, cognitive
>science, engineering, management, medicine, and the social sciences.
>The ICS department is complemented by the recently established UC
>Irvine Institute for Software Research (http://www.isr.uci.edu/),
>which provides services supporting large group projects and
>interdisciplinary research centered in software engineering and
>human-computer interaction. The Institute also plays a key role in
>maintaining strong, effective relationships with the software
>industry and organizes technical meetings.
>Although UC Irvine is a young university, it has attained remarkable
>stature in the past 3 decades. Two Nobel prizes were recently
>awarded to UCI faculty. UCI is located three miles from the Pacific
>Ocean near Newport Beach, approximately forty miles south of Los
>Angeles. The climate is ideal year-round avoiding extreme
>temperatures in winters and summers. Irvine is consistently ranked
>among the safest cities in the U.S. and has an exceptional public
>school system. The campus is surrounded by high-technology companies
>that participate in an active affiliates program. Both the campus
>and the area offer exciting professional and cultural opportunities.
>Mortgage and housing assistance are available including newly built,
>for-sale housing located on campus and within short walking distance
>from the department.
>Since ICS is also recruiting applicants in other areas of computer
>science for additional faculty positions, applications should be
>accompanied by a cover letter noting that this applicant is for Area
>D (Software), thus ensuring correct routing within our bureaucracy.
>Applicants should send a CV, three sample papers, and contact
>information for three or four references to recruit@ics.uci.edu with
>a cc to recruit-D@ics.uci.edu (PDF, postscript, Word, or ASCII).
>Applicants are requested to ask their references to send letters of
>evaluation to recruit@ics.uci.edu by January 12, 2001. Those that
>insist upon sending hard copy may send it to:
> ICS Faculty Position [D]
> c/o Peggy Munhall
> Department of Information and Computer Science
> University of California, Irvine
> Irvine, CA 92697-3425
>For more information, prospective applicants are encouraged to
>contact Richard Taylor, Chair, ICS Faculty Position D by email at
>Application screening will begin immediately upon receipt of
>curriculum vitae. Maximum consideration will be given to
>applications received by January 5, 2001.
>The University of California is an Equal Opportunity Employer,
>committed to excellence through diversity.

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