Compute for Apache

Robert Harley (
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:25:56 +0100 (MET)

Yiddish, schmiddish!

Instead of kvetching about anglicisation, how about getting your CPUs
cranking on the new ECDL thingy?

The perfect *cough* version 1.1.0 is finally ready. Source code,
RPMs, Mac and Windows ports, FreeBSD binaries, MMX version... the lot!

You can schlep them down from:

Run it, tell other people to run it, kick the ass of anybody who
doesn't want to run it. Commandeer every CPU in range. Remember,
it's easier to get forgiveness than permission.

If some FoRK-going nebishes could advertise the project on assorted
mailing lists and Web sites, that would be a major mitzvah.