The funniest thing, however, is that the single biggest factor for
why Netscape Fasttrack servers performed so poorly was that for a while,
the default installation procedure includes DNS lookup turned on.
Going back to Interactive Games Network, they use the Zeus server because
the average file size they deliver is 1-2 megs. This is the average between
all the 100k HTML pages and all the 3-10 Meg Quicktime3 videos of in-game action.
If you know that 97% of all your files will be within +/-100k of a file size,
then you can do all sorts of optimizations.
Some words about Zeus:
About Zeus
Zeus Technology, Ltd. founded in 1995, produces the fastest, most
scalable and easy to administer Web hosting software available. The company's mission is
to quickly establish itself as the world's leading vendor of Web server software and to
ensure that the Internet can cope with increasing demand, as the world adopts it as the
primary medium of communication.
Zeus Web Servers are scalable Web application servers providing solutions for ISP
hosting, intranets and secure e-Commerce. Web server software from Zeus has full
FrontPageTM support, 128bit SSLv3 encryption worldwide, Apache compatibility and a
Web-centric delegable management interface.
Lloyd Wood wrote:
> One sentence should do it to establish the reliability of Forbes:
> Dodd introduced Zeus to venture capitalists he knew in Silicon
> Valley and today, according to him, Zeus is the third-most popular
> web server software application in the world, trailing only
> Microsoft (nasdaq link) and Netscape, a subsidiary of America Online
> (nasdaq link).
> Whatever happened to the visibility of open-source and Apache, eh?
> L.
> blahblahblahFirstTuesdayblah.
> <>PGP<>
-- Greg Bolcer email: web: work: 714.505.4970 cell: 714.928.5476 fax: 603.994.0516