Publications in the On Distributed Communications Series
I. Introduction to Distributed Communications Networks, Paul Baran,
Introduces the system concept and outlines the requirements for and
design considerations of the distributed digital data
communications network. Considers especially the use of redundancy as a
means of withstanding heavy enemy attacks. A
general understanding of the proposal may be obtained by reading this
volume and Vol. XI.
II. Digital Simulation of Hot-Potato Routing in a Broadband Distributed
Communications Network, Sharla P. Boehm and Paul
Baran, RM-3103-PR.
Describes a computer simulation of the message routing scheme proposed.
The basic routing doctrine permitted a network to
suffer a large number of breaks, then reconstitute itself by rapidly
relearning to make best use of the surviving links.
III. Determination of Path-Lengths in a Distributed Network, J. W.
Smith, RM-3578-PR