> This is a sad day, but I cannot tell a lie. My Linux box just
> crashed. It actually locked up solid for no obvious reason. Yes, I
> even had to hit the reset button to reboot. Of course the disks were
> all synced and fscked and my usual apps auto-recovered their state,
> but it did die.
monkey.org (p100 running OpenBSD 2.0) had an uptime of a *year and a half*
running a webserver, the madonna, new order, tina turner, and gary barlow
mailing lists (over 60,000 msgs to/from our machine a day - on average),
steady anon FTP (mp3's, .mov's, etc.), a 3D MUD based on LambdaMOO, etc.
all this, while monkey served as our primary development machine (building
IPv6 kernels, AFS lkm's, hacking on Kerberos, etc. for 3 other machines).
our upgrade to OpenBSD 2.2, however, required us to reboot. :-)
ObAdvertisement (since this is a list of evangelists):
OpenBSD 2.3 CDs ship June 1st, and they'll also be at USENIX and DEFCON.
see http://www.openbsd.org/ and http://www.monkey.org/~nemickol/obsd.html
p.s. rob, you sure you weren't hit with a teardrop-style attack?
and what do you mean by "auto-recovered their state"? you wouldn't
happen to be running RIO, would you? (prof. peter chen, my friend
dave lowell presented it at ACM SOSP, see www.eecs.umich.edu/Rio/)
--- http://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/