I said the *computer language* most likely... (namely, COBOL).
> I take it this is the code that puts IE explorer on the desktop.
The code I posted is the standard Windows event-handling loop. This loop has
been written (or copied) zillions of times in C, but you don't often see it
> Show me how you can run this code without Windows.
Oh, I think I see the misunderstanding. This isn't code from the
implementation of Win16; this is code that runs on top of Win16.
BTW... if you want a good COBOL book *and* a bunch of free COBOL compilers,
definitely check out
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0764502980/forkrecommendedrA -- which
I guess I should also add to the joebar recommended book list... Adam, is
there a way (ftp?) for me to do this myself? Or should I just let you do it?
Also, the first author of joebar book #15 (More Dark Than Shark) should be
Brian Eno, not Brian Eao.
- Joe