Chrons? Hmm. I personally prefer the VMS-inspired idea of basing time on
FN (fortnight): 14 days (by definition)
mFN (millifortnight): ~20 minutes
uFN (microfortnight): ~1.2 seconds
An hour is ~3 mFN, a day is ~70 mFN, a week is 1/2 FN, a month ~ 2 FN, a
year ~26 FN.
It's actually handy to remember these numbers even if you don't use
fortnights as an "external representation" of time.
How many hours in a year? An hour is ~3 mFN, a year is ~26 FN, so it's
about 1000*(26/3) or about 8700 hours (really 8760).
How many seconds in a year? A second is 1.2 uFN, so a year is about
10^6*(26/1.2) or 10^6*(6*26/5) or 10^6*(156/5) or 31.2 million seconds
(really 31.536 million).
- Joe
Joseph S. Barrera III (
Phone, Office: (415) 778-8227; Cellular: (415) 601-3719; Home: (415)