or the women...
> >Why did he go to Caltech
> It was the grad-school with a good reputation in the US that least
> resembled a factory. That and the SoCal climate.
and more resembled a royal garden...
> >Why does he keep an Irish flag on his web page?
> Most of my pages are available in both English and French: on the
> French ones I have the French flag and on the English ones, I'm hardly
> going to put the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes!
aye, all i'm waiting for is the home page in Irish/Gaelic!
> >Why does his thumbnail jpeg look like he's trying to
> >scare everyone away? Is he?
> No! Hey that's the best picture I have. You should have seen the
> previous one :(
aye, it made you actually look tall and imposing... my uncle says the
photo on my web page makes me look like a vampire. perhaps my new
look is better (i.e. i average about 0.5mm of hair on my head
> >What is ML? What is so great about it that I'd never, ever heard
> about it until 2 months ago, and now I *keep* hearing about it
> It's a "real" programming languages as opposed to a toy one, whose
> semantics have been completely definitely by a book-full of
> mathematical equations. In theory it's flawless. In practice it's
> fairly decent.
thus m$ will implement their fault-tolerence software in it why...?
actually, i'm a repressed fan of ml. i've been told that if one
learns thirty computer languages, your head explodes. so, since i'm at
> -- Rob.