... bind us together as a nation. [Re: Nullsoft gets swung at.]

Joseph S. Barrera III (joe@barrera.org)
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 18:35:44 -0800

> [---===tomwhore@ []wsmf.org []inetarena.com []slack.net===---]
> "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the
> initiative in creating the Internet." Al G(wh)ore

"An AP story in the Post includes fresh Republican reaction to Vice
President Gore's recent statement on CNN that as a junior
congressman, he "took the initiative in creating the Internet." The
Defense Department began funding the Internet's antecedent in 1969,
when Gore was eight years away from his seat. In a response reported
in yesterday's NYT and LAT, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott has
claimed that he invented the paper clip. "Paper clips bind us
together as a nation," he boasted. Today's story includes a fresh
detail: Lott's office is now intimating that he may have been the
fifth Beatle."