Playing withthe format (expansion part II)

Tom Whore (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 02:18:12 -0800 (PST)

By comming across the free4all A-Infos archive (1)of free and clear mp3s I
have moved up teh insertion of differnt content into the wsmf stream.

--------[March 10th 1999]-----
Images For Your Ears
--Featured Shows--
-- Captian Midnight (shows 1-10,15-17)
-- Leave It To The Girls, The Lux Theater,
-- Sherlock Holmes, NightBeat, AmosNAndy
-- Burns and Allen
-- Full Logic Reverse on the FCC, Noam Chomnsky
-- An Interview with Agent Apple of The Biotic Baking Brigade
-- Readings by Neil Gaiman, Bruce Sterling and Ray Bradbury

-And as always 
--The Goon Show at about 10pm Pacific Time 
--To tune into the WSMF stream Click Here  
--or simply point Winamp, or any other shoutcast capable listner 
