Re: FW: Dissuading Woodpeckers!

Rohit Khare (
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 10:22:45 -0800

> > Of course, as with all problems in life big and small, XML will solve
> > this completely, by differentiating between <BIRD>woodpeckers</> and
> > <WEBBROWSER>woodpeckers</>.
> Bzzt! Invalid XML!
> In fact, XML does NOT allow compact end tags -- that would be <BIRD/> and
> <WEBBROWSER/> to you, Mister.

Bzzt! Invalid XML!

What kind of idiot can't tell the difference between an open and closed
element?! It's </BIRD> and </WEBBROWSER> you nincompoop! <BIRD/> begins AND
ends the BIRD element.
