So, a brief FAQ to follow:
q. Where is the Cobra boy?
a. Still have it, parked for a few days in a friends garage in L.A.
q. So you gone yuppie or what CB?
a. fuckin'-a speedo. I got a Starbucks double lite cafe latte. a mountian
bike, and a SUV. Suck it.
q. Seriously doesn't this show your repressed homosexuality?
a. huh?
q. Everything you have is a penis symbol. 2 G3's a Cobra, a Pathfinder, new
wardrobe every season, etc.
a. I'm a guy. I don't know what else to say. I know what I like and I like
what I know.
q. So where is the picture of this new rig?
a. well as soon as I straighten up the screwed up html produced by
CyberStudio 3.0/Visual Page/HomePage 3.0 I'll put them on the stupid
Earthlink site. Which means 80% of you will get time out errors.
q. You're a sick man.
a. hey I wasn't born this way, it took a lot of work!
--Nothing can stop me now cause I don't care anymore. NIN
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