Guha resurfaces: epinions

Rohit Khare (
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 10:14:00 -0700


>Thanks for visiting, the shopping guide powered by
>word-of-mouth recommendations!
>Everyone is an expert at something. is the place for
>you to share your expertise with others. Users who write reviews
>will earn recognition and rewards based on the usefulness of their
>While we put the finishing touches on our site, find out more about
>our service and register to write reviews.

Ramanathan Guha, former Apple Fellow and metadata guru has moved on
to epinions, Isee. It's an interesting concept, crossing the
AMIX./peer-helping marketplaces I've long awaited
(Usenet-kudos-for-pay) and the recent surge in "independent" shopping
guides by hobbyists, Tom's Hardware, so-and-so's digital cameras,
Bob's psych center, etc. Will it be kind of like a grass-roots, or a relic like CERN Virtual Library?

Where the money is, well, that's another problem entirely.
