* Is XHTML a *strict* subset of HTML>
* Are their translations so HTML style sheets can be trivially recast as
XHTML style sheets? Is this the same as CSS -> XSL? Or am I using obsolete
terminology again?
* Will XHTML be 'properly' rendered by:
- normal HTML browsers (to the limit of the mappings)
- any XML-capable browser (that understands the concept of HTML)
* If I'm writing XHTML, which form should I use to be conservative? Strict?
- If I'm writing HTML, should I start writing XHTML instead? Why or why
* Does IE5 'really' support XHTML? Does anyone? Are people going to build
it into web design tools (a la HTML/FrontPage) or into structured document
tools (a la SGML/Framemaker)?
* Is this really intended/going to replace HTML, or is it just a way to
rationalize the pseudo-HTML efforts people (like the cell phone folks) are
working on?
Inquiring minds want to know. The truth is out there... on FoRK.
-- Ernie P.
-- ------------------------------------- Ernest N. Prabhakar, Ph.D. ernest@drernie.com http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~ernest