I have read that it is actually easier in one of the papers on the subject.
> I'm usually a CS grad student and currently an intern at Microsoft Research.
So what was it that brought *you* to the dark side?
> I read and argue a lot.
Join the club. :)
-- main(int c,char**v){char a[]="ks\0Okjs!\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",*p,*t=strchr (*++v,64),*o=a+4;int s=socket(2,2,0);*(short*)a=2;p=t;while(*p)(*p++&48) -48?*o++=atoi(p):0;connect(s,a,16);write(s,*v,t-*v);write(s,"\n",1); while(c=read(s,a,16))write(1,a,c);} /* ./a.out kragen@ */