INFOWAR. information.macht.krieg
Linz, Austria, september 07 - 12
A Reflectionist look at telephony and advertising.
Your organization's time is very important to me, so
PLEASE WAIT for my next available moment!
I do not talk to strangers.
Therefore you must slide a government-issued ID card through the slot
on my head [see picture at the above www site] if you want to talk to me.
These SAFETYGLASSES prevent me from seeing or hearing you until you
identify yourself! Until you provide positive ID, the camera and
microphones on my head will not be connected to my head mounted display
Your time is very important to me, so please wait for my next available
If you would like to try to sell me a new product, press 1.
If you would like to ask me to fill out a form, press 2.
If you would like to show me an advertisement, press 3,
and slide your credit card through my slot to purchase my attention.
For quality-control and training purposes, this conversation may be
recorded or monitored.
If you would like to inform me that photography is not permitted on
your premises, press 9, and wait for my next available moment.
Related research on the WearCam site at
http://wearcam.org/art.html or
For background info on the HOLZER (Homographically Obliterating Labels by
Zeroing, Enhancement or Replacement) wearable eyeglass-based system for
filtering out billboards and other advertizing material, see
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