Re: Outpost, egreetings, sparks, iprint, and why os8 sucks
Tim Byars (
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 20:27:47 -0800
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At 08:12 PM 2/5/99, Rohit Khare wrote:
>On the last point, it's because I had this massive and insightful post on
>the state of the
>direct-relationship-marketing-mediated-by-funky-graphic-design industry
>that Eudora Pro ate because MacOS8 just crashed it out because it *still*
>can't protect memory allocation. And spare me the hosannas for 8.6, Tim --
>I'll see it when I believe it...
Yeah, I guess it's Apple's fault that you use a beta version of Eudora.
I would never try to do production work on it;
That is like trying to perform brain surgery with garden tools.
... me on Win'98
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