"deport all these damn Indians and get some normal cool ones..."

Rohit Khare (rohit@fdr.ICS.uci.edu)
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 14:00:20 -0800

This is from the desinet mailing list for 2nd generation Indian-American kids,
mostly filled with yo-mama's between rival desi party production gangs. It's a
reasonable newswire for new bhangra & remix releases and concert dates around
the country (the rival sources are desiparty.com and indianparty.com). The
original sponsor was ziba music here in Artesia, www.ziba.com.

Anyway, I was just thinking of Cobraboy when I read this... :-)



From: brown-boy@usa.net
Subject: San Diego
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 06:25:26

Tupac, it's wierd cause there seem to be tons of Persians in SD. And I know
what you mean, Persian girls look way better than Indian girls. There are more
Persians at UCSD than Indians probably. I don't know about the North Bay, but
I always figured SF was the worst place to live if you are Indian because of
all those damn FOB Indians in San Jose and all those liberal lesbian Indian
freaks up at Berkeley. There are too many damn messed up Indians in
California, between all the computer FOBS, wanna be gangstas, stuck up Indian
hootchies, and backwards senior citizen Indians. They need to deport all these
damn Indians and get some normal cool ones from Toronto, London, New York or


From: NAsia@aol.com
Subject: raji on the show lateline!!!
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:07:14 EST

I know for a fact ( well I'm almost positive ) that "Raji" Ajay Naidu is south
Indian, because it said so on his NBC website
<A HREF="http://www.nbc.com/NBCtvcentral/promo/promotional-
shows.nbc?show=lateline/new_index">NBC: TV Central</A> . Since he's south
Indian I don't think he's Punjabi, cause Punjab is in the north, right?
Correct me if I'm wrong, please. ( Not that being south indian/north indian
would make a difference, since the show was mainly making fun of his Hinduism
( so he could be either Punjabi or South Indian ) I am south Indian, and I
thought the show was really, really funny. I am Hindu, practically my whole
family is Hindu and they all pracitce it. I respect my family and all Hindus,
and all Indians, and all people (except rapists and murderers)<--just thought
I'd add that in. I just thought it was an extremely funny show. Maybe since
I am educated and I know that what they are poking fun at on the show is not
true ( but a funny way to think of it), and so I have a different preception
of it than a white 17 year old. So perhaps a white 17 year old kid might
start thinking Hinduism is really funny and stupid, OR he might see that Hindu
people are not wierd or abnormal, but just normal people , hence the healthy
young virile man Raji is!!!! Okay...what i JUST said may TOTALLY not make a
lot of sense. Sheesh, i'm only a 17 year old girl in highschool who NEVER
sees indians on tv or movies...and for once tHERE is one, and he's actually a
character that's not going to stay on for only 10 secs asking for his taxi
fare or explaining how the surgery will be done. Okay...i'm am TOTALLY sure
all you extremely eloquent people will have grips to say to me...calling me
names...may perhaps be quite predominant...but i am an open-minded person so
feel free to emial me and elucidate something i've missed in the whole "ooooh
raji is an indian with an accent who can have sex and is made fun of his shwa-
dharma" controversy!



From: Jatender@aol.com
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 09:21:44 EST
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Desi Net Is Brought to You By.....

Aarsee Incorporated: http://aarsee.cjb.net
Atlas Productions: http://www.atlasproductions.com/
Bhangra Central: http://www.punjabilink.com/bhangra/
Brown Boy: http://www.brownboy.com/
D Productions: http://www.angelfire.com/ca/dhruv
DJ Aladdin: http://members.aol.com/djaladdin
DJ Babyface: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/djbabyface
DJ Desi: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umdhall0/
DJ Gopal: http://www.djgopal.com/
Ecstacy Productions: http://www.desicentral.com/ecstacyprod/
Elite 8 Produktionz: http://www.elite8.com/
GGB Productions: http://ggb.cjb.net
Guru Productions: http://www.best.com/~oneal/guru/
India Association - Oregon State: http://osu.orst.edu/groups/india/
Punjabi Boyz: http://members.tripod.com/~punjabiboyz
RDB Productions: http://www.bhangra.co.uk/RDB/
SKYY Productions: skyyproductions@hotmail.com
Sriny's Bollywood Top Hits: http://www.sriny.com/
The Funjabis: http://www.funjabis.com
VAs Finest: http://www.vasfinest.com/


Rohit Khare -- UC Irvine -- 4K Associates -- +1-(626) 806-7574 http://www.ics.uci.edu/~rohit -- http://xent.ics.uci.edu/~FoRK