Anyone want to do this guy's homework for him?

I Find Karma (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 11:02:11 -0800

I wonder how many times people have used the Internet to
try to get other people who they don't know to help them
with their homework assignments.

> From Tue Jan 13 03:57:17 1998
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: Help With C++
> Mime-Version: 1.0
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> Dear Adam
> am a student studing a Bsc Hons in Computing at a University in England.
> I understand that you know a fair bit of c++ and was wondering if you could be so kind and help me in my hour of need.
> I have a c++ assignment to start and it will count for 40% of my final term mark.
> I have included the files that I need to work from.
> The Problem is that i dont know where to begin and to be Honest I am in desperate need of help.
> If you could find the time to email me on I would be most grateful.
> Assignment deadline is the 22nd January
> Thank You
> G-Duffin
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> Content-Type: text/plain; name="Assign.txt"
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> IPR: Assignment
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> IPR: Assignment - Football Results Table
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Outline
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The aim of the assignment is to write a program to process a set of football
> match results and to produce a league table.
> In the UK, the results of the league matches are summarised in a table that
> shows how many games have been played and, of those, how many have been won,
> lost and drawn. Account is kept of the number of goals for and against each
> team. Points are awarded for winning or drawing a game and the final position
> of the team in the league is based on the points. Teams with equal numbers of
> points are ranked according to their "goal difference".
> You will be provided with a number of files including:
> - an outline of the main program (though not in C++!)
> - a library of compiled functions that can be used to construct the program
> - an executable program, so you know what you are aiming at!
> These files are called football.exe - for DOS and football - for Linux
> - several sets of match results in the form of text files
> There are a number of sections that you can complete and each section
> carries with it a number of marks.
> Marking
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> You will be required to demonstrate your final program. Marks will be
> awarded according to how much of the program you have managed to write. You
> will be required to answer some questions about how you have solved the
> problem. The marks that you receive depend upon satisfactory answers to these
> questions. Simply producing working code is not enough.
> This assignment accounts for 35% of the mark for the IPR module.
> Deadline
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The final program: - a printed listing and source code on a disk, together
> with printed output produced from it, must be handed in on, or before:
> 4.00pm on Monday 19th January 1998
> The demonstrations will be scheduled to take place during the following week
> (beginning Monday 26th Jan 1998) and will take no more than 10 minutes.
> Attendance at the demonstration is essential if you wish to gain any marks
> for the assignment.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Detailed Specification
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The program must be compiled with either the DKGPP compiler for DOS32 or the
> GNU G++ compiler for Linux. It must run on the PC's in GA111 or the JG Labs.
> The program is to be run using input redirection with the supplied data
> files. The input files are text files and are described in more detail below.
> The user should not be required to enter any data into the program.
> The program should output a league table of results that looks something
> like:
> Play Won Lost Draw For Agst Diff Pts
> Man_Utd 18 10 4 4 43 20 23 34
> Chelsea 18 8 7 3 40 33 7 27
> Blackburn 18 9 6 3 41 33 8 30
> Arsenal 18 8 5 5 30 29 1 29
> Leeds 18 6 8 4 33 40 -7 22
> Leicester 18 5 10 3 28 37 -9 18
> Derby 18 9 5 4 35 21 14 31
> Liverpool 18 5 6 7 19 31 -12 22
> Newcastle 18 4 11 3 16 32 -16 15
> Wimbledon 18 4 6 8 11 20 -9 20
> This file was produced from the input data file: . It is not
> essential for the output to be so neatly tabulated - though it will gain more
> marks if it is!
> The output should be to the standard output stream ( cout ) so that it easy
> to capture it in a file and print it.
> The source code must be written according to the published Style Guide .
> The Array and Table data structures supplied in LmuLib are to be used in the
> program. Failure to use these will result in drastically reduced marks.
> The sections (stages)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In order that those of you who don't find programming easy can achieve some
> success, there are a number of levels at which you can complete the
> assignment. There is an initial starter file - called outline.cpp - although
> it is not compilable C++. This file contains some essential headers and
> function prototypes and a description of what must be achieved by the main
> program. It is possible to implement the main() function in this program
> relying solely on the supplied library files and, if the code is written well
> you can gain up to 8 (out of 35) marks. Many of you will, and should, attempt
> to produce your own code to replace the functions supplied in the library.
> If you chose to implement some, or all, of the functions in the library then
> more marks are on offer. The functions supplied are:
> void initTable ( Table & t );
> Clears all entries in the Table t to 0
> void readNames ( Array & nameTable );
> Reads strings from the standard input (using cin) into the elements of the
> Array a.
> void update( Array< string > teamNames,
> Table< int >& results,
> string homeTeam, int homeScore,
> string awayTeam, int awayScore );
> Updates two rows in the Table results according to the match results. The
> rows to be updated are located using the index of the relevant team names
> found from the Array teamNames .
> Index Name Index Results
> 1 Team1 1 Played Won Drawn Lost etc
> 2 Team2 2 Played Won Drawn Lost etc
> etc
> The columns in the results table correspond to the columns needed for the
> final league table:
> Column Data
> 0 Matches played
> 1 Matches won
> 2 Matches lost
> 3 Matches drawn
> 4 Goals scored
> 5 Goals conceded
> 6 Goal difference
> 7 Points
> The points are calculated as 3 x Matches played + Matches drawn
> and the Goal difference is Goals scored - Goals conceded .
> void printTable ( Array teamNames, Table results );
> Output the the final league table, the team name precedes the data drawn
> from the Table results that has the same index value as the team's name has
> in the Array teamNames
> Duplicating the operation of each function gains marks that are given in the
> table at the end of these notes. Additional marks will be gained if the
> output is tidied up from that of the function supplied.
> Sorting the league table
> There is no function supplied that will sort the league table into order. If
> you can produce a sorted table, descending order based on points, then
> additional marks are available. Teams that have the same number of points are
> ordered according to their goal differences.
> Data files
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> There are 10 teams to process. The name of each team is a string that does
> not contain any spaces. Each data file begins with the 10 team names. The
> remainder of the data file consists of lines with four items:
> Team1 Score1 Team2 Score2
> The team names, Team1 and Team2, are strings - the same strings as at the
> beginning of the file. The scores, Score1 and Score2, are integer values in
> the range 0 to 9. There are 90 such lines in each data file.
> There are three data files available. Each one contains a full set of data
> (teams and results) for a complete set of 90 matches. They have been produced
> randomly and will produce different league tables. The files are called:
> It is expected that you will run your program using each of these files as
> input data. The file should be read in using input redirection. For example,
> if your executable is called football , then you would use the command:
> football <
> to run it. The output can be saved either using output redirection or by
> using script in the usual way.
> The Library files
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Two separate library files are supplied - one for MSDOS and one for Linux.
> Don't mix them up! The files are called dos.a and linux.a - it should be
> obvious which is which!
> You should copy the library file into the same directory that you use for
> this project and you should include the library file name on the command line
> when you build your program. Example command lines are (assuming the program
> source file is called football.cpp):
> DOS:
> gxx -o football.exe football.cpp dos.a -IJ:public\lmulib -lstdcxx
> Linux:
> g++ -o football football.cpp linux.a -I/study/LMU_LIB
> The linker will incorporate code from the library file to implement the
> functions that are listed in outline.cpp . As you write your own functions -
> putting the code in the source file as usual - the linker will ignore the one
> in the library. When you have implemented all of the functions, you can omit
> the library filename.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Detailed Marking
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The marks for each section are detailed below. The maximum mark is 35.
> All your code must comply with the conventions described
> in the C++ Style Guide to be found on the Web pages
> - particularly concerning the use of identifiers and comments. 3 marks
> All functions must be commented correctly. 2 marks
> Replicating the example program by writing a main() function and just using
> the functions provided in the library: 3 marks
> Replacing functions from the library:
> initTable 3 marks
> readNames 3 marks
> update 6 marks
> printTable - as supplied 3 marks
> printTable - with better formatting +2 marks
> Providing a sorted final table:
> on points only 6 marks
> using goal difference as well +4 marks
> Tim Balls
> 10/12/97
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Life is like a potato.