Some highligts from the executive summary (from their
1 )Telecom Revolution: The last 20 years have been dramatic,
but you ain't seen nothing yet. Invisible improvements to the
consumer as fiber optics and satellite will start providing
benefits to the consumer. New competition in telecom industry.
2) Transforming Communications: "During the past five years the
World Wide Web has emerged from its obscure origins in the
academic community to become part of everyday life for millions
of people around the world." Ubiquitous piece of software,
addressing innovative technologies, improvements in network
traffic, VOIP, POTS replaced by digital subscriber lines, smart
networks and switching, multiple services through a single piece
of equipment, increased wireless services, LEO satellites,
telecom set to follow pricing of computer industry 20-30 years ago,
predict long distance collaborative work, integration of handheld
3) More than Bandwidth:
Growth of Semiconductor Industry: various predictions about
computer memory, chips, etc., computing power in devices other
than traditonal computers/desktops, ubiquitous computing, convergence
in server technology, greater divergence in client technology.
Emphasis on Scalability: clustering, architectures, more than
performance including manageability, software maturity, less-tiered.
Greater Platform Diversity: mobile and application specific computing
devices, lightweight, PDAs, smart devices.
Computing Architectures: Integration of a broad range of computing
devices and platforms.
Interoperability and Portability of Platforms: standards such as
DCOM & CORBA, mobile code.
Challenges of Enterprise Computing: computing apps in business
settings, productivity applications, workgroup software, automating
routine tasks, knowledge mgt, filtering, data extraction, ERP &
vertical market inroads, decision support applications, y2k. (8-))
4) The Impace of the Internet: tremendous effect on IT industry, rapid
proliferation of Web-based technologies, wide range of Internet-based
businesses, dramatic expansion of consumer interest in computing
technologies, e-commerce, high-perf WWW servers, XML major impact,
financial services, media/entertainment, advertising, retailing, new
business models for e-commerce, business-to-business, etc.